[Pdns-users] pdns and Windows DNS integration

Leen Besselink leen at consolejunkie.net
Sat Aug 21 20:05:58 UTC 2010

On 08/21/2010 08:30 PM, Vishal Uderani wrote:
> Hey ,

Hi Vishal,

> Ive managed to get a standalone installation of pdns Authoritative 
> server  up and running with a mysql backend and poweradmin interface 
> .  However , i havent found a single mention of a pdns installation 
> integrating with a Windows DNS Server . Let me elaborate further :
> We have a bunch of devs who would like to create/modify/delete records 
> and zones in our internal DNS server (Active Directory Integrated) 
> without them having to access the server itself .  so giving them an 
> interface that does the above made sense . My pdns installation is on 
> Linux . I came across the pdns-ldap backend but thats somehow not 
> worked out for me . After compiling with --with-modules="ldap" and 
> making sure my pdns.conf pointed to the correct basedn , i was unable 
> to pull down any of the zones from my Win DNS to my db . (assuming 
> thats what it does)  I would really appreciate it if anyone could 
> provide me any info or send me along the correct track here . Awaiting 
> your prompt response .

No, that is not what it does.

The LDAP-backend does, like the MySQL-backend, does not copy anything 
(unless it's a slave-server, in which case powerdns copies data), is a 
database where zones exist which are queried when a client asks for a 

I don't know if you can use these 2 backends at the same time.

Normally the easiest way to deal with seperate (authoritive) nameservers 
is to use seperate zones. So one nameserver has a zone: company.tld and 
an other nameserver has a sub-zone: other.company.tld

You setup the company.tld to point other.company.tld to the other 
nameserver(s) by creating a NS-record with the IP-address of the other 

That way a 'resolving nameserver' will know it should query an other 
authoritive nameserver for the other zone and there is no need to copy 

> -- 
> Regards ,
> Vishal Uderani
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