[Pdns-users] Building for windows

Todd Nine todd at spidertracks.co.nz
Tue Jul 21 10:36:36 UTC 2009

Hey guys,
   We're working on implementing geographically dispersed  system and  
we need a geo IP DNS system.  From all the raving reviews for  
PowerDNS, it seems to be the best choice.  I'm attempting to build it,  
but I have a few questions.

I downloaded the latest release pdns 2.9.22, but it doesn't have the  
powerdns.dsw file.  I found this in the trunk of the subversion tree.   
Can I just check out this file, or do I need the whole source tree  
from svn to build on Windows?  If I need the whole tree, where is the  
tag for 2.9.22 (or an svn revision number)?

We currently use MsSQL as our DB server.  If we create the required  
table and use the ODBC backend, can our applications update dns  
records directly in the db for PowerDNS to use?  In other words, as  
nodes go online and offline for upgrades and maintenance, I'd like to  
dynamically add and remove records for our "www" subdomain from our  
own custom applications.  Do I need to signal powerdns in any way to  
reload records from the db once they're been changed from a different  

Thanks in advance,


todd nine | spidertracks ltd |  117a the square
po box 5203 | palmerston north 4441 | new zealand
P: +64 6 353 3395 | M: +64 210 255 8576
E: todd at spidertracks.co.nz W: www.spidertracks.com

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