[Pdns-users] OT: "Registering" a name server

Oliver Peter lists at peter.de.com
Wed Jan 28 17:03:17 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 09:21:44AM -0700, JK E-Lists wrote:
> 7) It complains that my name servers are not "registered". 
> See screen snapshot at http://www.ifm-services.com/tmp/godaddy-ns.jpg

For gTLDs (like .com is) you have to create a 'Host Handle' in the registry
database at first, normally your registrar (GoDaddy) will do this for you.
Try to find out how you can create 'Host Handles' (sometimes referred as 
Host Ojbect') for your two nameservers - and don't forget to add the IPs
for each host to create the glue record.


Oliver PETER     email: oliver at peter.de.com     ICQ# 113969174
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."
                                                -- Jango Fett

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