[Pdns-users] [OpendbxBackend] execStmt: Unable to execute query - MySQL server has gone away

Dean Roman droman at oreilly.com
Sat Aug 15 00:12:20 UTC 2009

Hello all,

   I'm getting these errors([OpendbxBackend] execStmt: Unable to execute query - MySQL server has gone away) sprinkled through my logs, and sometimes the pdns server will hang for a second, give this error, then successfully resolve, other times, it won't resolve at all.

   I have MySQL max_connections set very high...4096.  This system is still in development, so it's not getting hit hard or very often.

   I am running 2 instances of power dns on the same machine, 1 for internal, 1 for external.  I get the error with both instances.

I'm running:
  powerdns 2.9.22
  opendbx  1.4.0
  MySQL 5.0.70-r1

Any clues are appreciated.


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