[Pdns-users] CNAME record to an external domain

Marko Kobal marko.kobal at arctur.si
Mon Sep 3 18:22:53 UTC 2007


I'll be even more specific, as the problem is even more interesting.

We are talking about my dns server dns1.arctur.si (MASTER)

1) I have domain tehnodrvo.hr with external CNAME record:

tehnodrvo.hr 	CNAME 	tehnodrvo.dyndns.org

This IS resolvable, but on the SLAVE servers (also PDNS) I'm getting every 5 minutes this:

Error trying to retrieve/refresh 'tehnodrvo.hr': Query to '' for SOA of 'tehnodrvo.hr' produced a CNAME record


2) The other one, wich I was talking about in the first post (see also below) is urad.si with external CNAME record:

urad.si 	CNAME 	urad.blogspot.com

This one IS NOT resolvable, it returns NXDOMAIN.


Any help would really be aprichiated!

Kind regards, Marko Kobal.

Marko Kobal pravi:
> Hi!
> I have a problem using CNAME records pointing to an external domain.
> First of all, I have already read this 
> http://www.nabble.com/CNAME-answer-problem--t4246749.html and tried 
> everytnig but it still does not work.
> My software:
> FreeBSD 6.2p4
> powerdns-2.9.21
> powerdns-recursor-3.1.4_5
> So I have recursor up and running and the line
> recursor=
> in pdns.conf.
> If I try and query an external domain directly, let's say "dig 
> www.somwhere-else.com" I get the response without problems, so recursor 
> works just fine.
> Now, say PDNS has example.com which has the following records:
> www.example.com A
> www2.example.com CNAME www.example.com
> www3.example.com CNAME www.somwhere-else.com
> www ---> works
> www2 --> works
> www3 --> NXDOMAIN
> What am I doing wrong, where is the cacth?

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