[Pdns-users] Zone commited, but servers said "Not authoritative"

Christian Kuehn christian.kuehn at mcs.de
Tue May 29 14:01:45 UTC 2007

Mark Watts wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how long need the pdns (2.9.21) to realize that he is authoritative after
>> commiting a new zone ?
>> May 29 13:25:19 dns-auth-1 pdns[7306]: [ID 702911 local0.error] AXFR done
>> for 'grippertest0705291326.de', zone committed
>> May 29 13:25:41 dns-auth-1 pdns[7306]: [ID 702911 local0.warning] Not
>> authoritative for 'grippertest0705291326.de', sending servfail to
>> (recursion was desired)
>> Futhermoe its crazy that I cant ask for the SOA for the domain, but for an
>> AXFR (after this, the SOA is also available)
> Is the server you are trying to load the zone into, listed as an NS record in 
> that zone?

Yes sure...

Christian KÌhn
(Technical Consultant / Hostmaster)

Essener Bogen 17 - 22419 Hamburg - Germany
Tel +49 (0)40 53773 0 - Fax: +49 (0)40 53773 200
E-Mail: christian.kuehn at mcs.de
Web: http://www.mcs.de
Eingetragen im Handelsregister Hamburg B62933
GeschÀftsfÌhrer: Kai Brandes & Eckard Kabel
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