[Pdns-users] new gmysql-backend GUI (ZoneAdmin)

Rudolph Bott rb at megabit.net
Sat Mar 31 23:31:51 UTC 2007

Hey there,

I have just released another Beta of the ZoneAdmin GUI:

ZoneAdmin 0.1-Beta2

please feel free to test it out...you can get it either from the 
Sourceforge Project Page ( http://sf.net/projects/ZoneAdmin ) or from 

It brings a few minor bugfixes and a basic statistics-feature (for 
further information, take a look at the Changelog-part of the relase 
notes in the Sourceforge Files Area).

As before, there is still the latest demo version available at 
http://home.closed-qgn.de/ZoneAdmin/ (User: demo, Password: demo).

I'm looking forward to you feedback! ;)

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen / with kind regards

Rudolph Bott
Megabit Informationstechnik GmbH
Karstr.25  41068 Moenchengladbach  Tel:02161/30898-0  Fax:-18
AG MG HRB 10141, GF: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Tillig, Michael Benten

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