[Pdns-users] Communicator thread stays in connect state?

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at linuxnetworks.de
Fri Mar 9 12:28:41 UTC 2007

Hi Marc

> I don't know if I have to contact a MySQL list or this PowerDNS list, but
> the communicator thread in my PowerDNS 2.9.20 on a mysql backend
> installation stays in connect state. I had the wait_timeout setting for
> mysql set to 60 seconds, but then pdns dies every minute because of losing
> the mysql connectie in the communicator thread.

If there are no requests within 60 secs, the connection gets terminated by the 
mysql libray. The backend does notice this as soon as it tries to send a 
query because this fails (the connection is closed). PowerDNS then tries to 
reinstanciate the backend but the current DNS request will return a termorary 

> Because I have raised the timeout to 1 day, the timeout now never occurs,
> but this is a strang state for this connecties. Or not?

I think the connection should never timeout at all because PowerDNS depends on 
the estabished connections to the database server.

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