[Pdns-users] Cannot allocate memory

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Mon Jun 25 05:28:39 UTC 2007

On Mon, Jun 25, 2007 at 12:03:20AM +0200, Schramm e.K. [ Deutschland ] wrote:

> I recently upgraded one of our pdns servers from 2.6.20 to 2.6.21. After
> 12-15 hours of operation TCP requests started to fail and the following is
> written to the logfile(s) :

Can you run: 
netstat -an | grep ESTAB | grep ":53 " -c

For a few times while running powerdns, and report if the number is growing?

Is there anything special about your setup? A lot of AXFRs? 

Can you show me other log messages reported often?

> I hope there is any solution for this problem,

There will be, no worries :-)


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