[Pdns-users] Is records.change_date actually used?

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Sun Jun 10 16:33:06 UTC 2007

On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 05:41:28PM +0200, Stefan Arentz wrote:
> I see it is referenced in the old mysqlcbackend but in the  
> gmysqlbackend that field doesn't seem to be used at all.


> Is this intentional or am I overlooking something? The documentation  
> states that it is used for automatic serial generation, which is how  
> I remember using that field. Is that implemented in a different way now?

We neglected to implement that facility, auto serial number generation, on
the generic SQL backends. Please find a patch that remedies this in this
message that was posted earlier this morning:

So to summarise, right now this field is not being used, but this patch will
soon be merged, and change that.


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