[Pdns-users] POWERDNS and BIND

Ale ***** bella_brendone at hotmail.it
Tue Dec 4 18:28:15 UTC 2007

Hello to all,

I have a powerdns server on and i use gmysql backend. In pdns.conf i have set disable-axfr=no e master=yes. I have insert a domain and it's related RR in gmysql backend. I have another dns server on that use bind9. It's named.conf is like this:

zone "ale.test.it"{
        type slave;
        file "/var/named/bak.ale.test";
        masters {; };

When I modify the db such as adding RR or increment serial number and i restart powerdns monitor output likes this:

Dec 05 15:48:25 Done launching threads, ready to distribute questions
Dec 05 15:48:25 Received NOTIFY for ale.test.it from but slave support is disabled in the configuration
Dec 05 15:48:25 Received unsuccesful notification report for 'ale.test.it' from, rcode: 4
Dec 05 15:48:25 Removed from notification list: 'ale.test.it' to
Dec 05 15:48:27 No master domains need notifications

and if i make a query like "select * from domains" the serial is 0 again. What is possible? Where i failure?

Only one time, when i start the slave maybe, an AXFR were performed. 


Dec 05 15:17:18 Done launching threads, ready to distribute questions
Dec 05 15:17:42 AXFR of domain 'ale.test.it' initiated by
Dec 05 15:17:42 gmysql Connection succesful
Dec 05 15:17:42 AXFR of domain 'ale.test.it' to finished
Dec 05 15:17:43 Received NOTIFY for ale.test.it from but slave support is disabled in the configuration
Who can help me???

I see in the pdns monitor's output also this:

Dec 05 15:59:41 Not authoritative for '0.168.192.in-addr.arpa', sending servfail to

but i haven't query the db for the reverse zone because i haven't define it. It is maybe possible that this message appears because i haven't define the reverse zone? 

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