[Pdns-users] rDNS Delegation

MrDemeanour mrdemeanour at jackpot.uk.net
Wed May 11 09:19:09 UTC 2005

Tobias Orlamuende wrote:
> My personal point of view for this is that I wouldn't let the
> customer manage his own rdns. I also never saw a provider which
> allows this to his customers. Sure, there will be some out in the
> world but I never saw it in any situation concerning me or my job.

Demon Internet do allow this. In fact they make special provision for
it; they provide (at no additional cost) a "shadow" DNS service. You
(the customer) set up a single master DNS server for your zone, and
Demon will grab the zone several times a day, and serve it from their
authoritative servers.

I note that Griffin Internet is a UK ISP (and so is competing with
Demon), and also that it offers wholesale connectivity deals - i.e. it
sells services to downstream ISPs.

> To explain why I wouldn't allow it: rdns is (in my personal opinion!)
> a very authortative thing. IMHO it's the only thing you can at least
> trust a little bit. Due to the fact that rdns is quite statical,
> changes are not needed very often and could be done by these persons
> which operate the zone for this customer.

Demon lets me serve my own rDNS. It is a privilege, and I value it; it's
really difficult, I think, to get the hang of DNS without running your
own live server. Demon has rather hackerish origins, which is probably
behind their willingness to provide this kind of service.


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