[Pdns-users] Re: Pdns-users Digest, Vol 28, Issue 6

Heidrich Attila attila at heidrich.hu
Wed May 11 10:40:27 UTC 2005

2005-05-11, sze keltezÊssel 12.00-kor
pdns-users-request at mailman.powerdns.com ezt írta:

>    1. rDNS Delegation (Gareth Campling)

> We currently have the whole /24 setup like the following :
> 0.0.10.in-addr.arpa		SOA		dns-server-1.com
> hostmaster at blah.com
> 0.0.10.in-addr.arpa		NS		dns-server-1.com
> 0.0.10.in-addr.arpa		NS		dns-server-2.com
> And our customer wants to manage the rnds for there /26 - ( -

Hey guys! This is a standard (Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation -
RFC2317) I think is does not depend on the RIR/region neighter.
You set up inside the delegated /24 zone:
0/26            IN    NS    customer.dns.net.  # trailing dots are for
0        IN    CNAME    0.0/26
64        IN    CNAME    64.0/26
Your customer sets up a zone named: 0/, and
0        IN    PTR    0.customer.net. # trailing dots are for bind
1        IN    PTR    1.customer.net.
If anyone problems with the / in the name can use - f.e., like '0-63'


Heidrich Attila <attila at heidrich.hu>
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