[Pdns-users] Delegation question

Sean Leach sleach at wiggum.com
Tue Mar 1 22:53:39 UTC 2005

This is going to be a silly one, but I can't get the mysql sql correct
to have a zone delegated to another nameserver.  I want to delegate all
requests for 'pvt.wiggum.com' to

I have tried:

insert into domains (name,type) values ('pvt.wiggum.com','NATIVE');
insert into records (domain_id, name,type,content,ttl,prio) VALUES
(1,'pvt.wiggum.com', 'NS', '', 120, 0);

what other sql needs to be run?

If I do

dig name.pvt.wiggum.com @localhost   (localhost is the powerdns auth server)

it returns NXDOMAIN, I also see in the logs it runs:

Mar 01 14:51:52 Query: select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from
records where name='name.pvt.wiggum.com'
Mar 01 14:51:52 Query: select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from
records where name='*.pvt.wiggum.com'
Mar 01 14:51:52 Query: select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from
records where name='*.wiggum.com'
Mar 01 14:51:52 Query: select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from
records where name='*.com'


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