[Pdns-users] Update and zone transfer of PDNS

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Mon Dec 12 16:07:32 UTC 2005

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 09:53:30PM +0800, Li Bin, SLC COM CD/MN R&D SE (BJ) wrote:

> Thanks your reply, so in theoretically there is no limite power the zone
> number for PDNS. For the update topic, I got following info from the

Something is bound to go wrong around the two or four billion mark (2^31 or
2^32 domains). 

> PowerDNS Manual Table A-6, says no support Master and Slave by Oracle
> backend. The Native not support dynamic updates(RFC2136), but could
> support normal DNS zone transfer notification and respond the request of
> zone transfer from slave ENUM server, right?

Yes - but you should probably be running the Generic Oracle backend,

Which has the following table:
Native	Yes - but PostgreSQL does not replicate
Master	Yes
Slave	Yes
Superslave	Yes
Autoserial	NO
Case	All lower
Module name < 2.9.3	pgmysql
Module name > 2.9.2	gmysql and gpgsql
Lauch name	gmysql and gpgsql2 and gpgsql

This should include goracle btw, will fix the documentation. 

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