[Pdns-users] Update and zone transfer of PDNS

Li Bin, SLC COM CD/MN R&D SE (BJ) bin_li at siemens.com
Mon Dec 12 11:25:25 UTC 2005

Hello, we have a solution to use PowerDNS as master ENUM server with
Oracle database access via RAC which runs on SunCluster of Solaris9, and
those slave ENUM server maybe BIND9 or others, following is question:
 1. Do have a maximal limit for zone in PowerDNS access via database
(e.g. Oracle), for our solution it maybe contains more than 1million
zone records in one master ENUM server, is only the restiction of
database file itself?
 2. In your PDNS doc said Oracel backend do not support "Master" and
"Slave" mode just support "Native" mode, does "Native" means not support
dynamic update DNS record(RFC2136) or not support zone transfer
notification. If "Native" no support zone update notification message,
means only way for zone transfer is slave ENUM send zone transfer
request periodically to master server. But this would take much network
load if contains much more zone files.

                                           Best Regards 


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