[Pdns-users] Weird problem

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Mon Aug 22 11:22:15 UTC 2005

On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 12:09:40AM +0200, Hans Christian Saustrup wrote:
> I'm running three nameservers, and I'm currently in the process of 
> moving two of them from one IP segment to another. The primary 
> nameserver was no problem, but my slaves are behaving strangely and 
> replying with both correct and "stale" A-records, eventhough the AXFR 
> looks fine.  Version is 2.9.18 compiled from source. Backend is MySQL. 

Hans, I'd like to start of by saying that your message is a perfect example
of how to report problems, thanks!

There are two possible explanations for your problem:

Wildcard CNAMES being confusing
Can you repeat your tests with 'dig +norecurs testdomain @serverip' ?

> $ dig axfr ccxcs.com @
> ccxcs.com.              10800   IN      SOA     ns100.spindns.com. 
> hostmaster.spindns.com. 2005082102 10800 3600 604800 10800
> ccxcs.com.              3600    IN      NS      ns103.spindns.com.
> ccxcs.com.              3600    IN      A (OK!)
> ccxcs.com.              3600    IN      NS      ns100.spindns.com.
> mail.ccxcs.com.         3600    IN      CNAME   mail.spindns.com.
> ccxcs.com.              3600    IN      MX      10 mail100.spindns.com.
> ccxcs.com.              3600    IN      NS      ns101.spindns.com.
> *.ccxcs.com.            3600    IN      CNAME   ccxcs.com.

This is known to give problems in some configurations. I suggest turning
this into

*.ccxcs.com 3699 IN A

Stale data under a different domain id

Run by hand on your slave:

select * from records where name='record-giving-problem';

You might see it twice with different domainid's.

Good luck!

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