[Pdns-users] Dynamic DNS Updates

ms419 at freezone.co.uk ms419 at freezone.co.uk
Thu Oct 7 16:14:13 UTC 2004

Our organization has been storing static DNS information in LDAP using 
BIND 9 & Stig Venaas' LDAP SDB backend.

Unfortunately, we ran into some trouble recently, setting up dynamic 
DNS updates. Although BIND 9 supports dynamic DNS updates, SDB does 
not. While we could create a separate subdomain for dynamic DNS 
information, all our reverse zones are in LDAP, so we couldn't 
dynamically update reverse lookup information, which is essential.

Could PowerDNS solve this problem? I've installed PowerDNS on one 
machine & it publishes our static DNS information from LDAP, but DNS 
updates are returned NOTIMP. I think this behavior is mentioned in the 
changelog under "Changes since 1.99.3": 

I think this message is also relevant: 

Does PowerDNS not support dynamic DNS updates, or is it simply the LDAP 
backend which lacks support? Is any contemporary information available? 
Is this support planned for a future release?

It isn't necessary that dynamic updates get written back to the 
database (kewl as that would be); we are satisfied storing dynamic DNS 
information transiently in memory.

Thanks for any information!


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