[Pdns-users] questions about pdns deployment

JFC (Jefsey) Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Sun Mar 7 14:50:33 UTC 2004

I am new on this list and I am not sure this is the proper place to ask. I 
am to organize the operations of a ccTLD with some complexity where virtual 
zones (managed through a database) will ne necessary. I am quite interested 
in PowerDNS. Would there be a list of TLD primaries and secondaries servers 
under PowerDNS? It would help me investigating and documenting a position.

I am also concerned about the support of PowerDNS under OpenBSD. I am quite 
interested in OpenBSD due to the security it may provide. Information and 
comments welcome.

Last point, is that a good idea, and is there some experience; in storing 
the logger on an external machine. The idea I consider would be to 
consolidate logs on a central loging machine to get a permanent global view 
(primaries and secondaries) situation.

I thank you for your help.
jfc morfin	

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