[Pdns-users] performance issues

bert hubert ahu at ds9a.nl
Tue Feb 17 18:51:35 UTC 2004

On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 11:35:35AM -0500, Ken Scott wrote:

> I have no idea what you mean here..'vmstat 1' and 'iostat 1' ?

Try entering 'vmstat 1' on your server. You did not really answer my
questions - I really want to help but I need data while your server is

> also i did mention that i was running redhat 7.2 on i386.

Missed that, apologies. 

> Also i'm using mysql as the backend, and i'm not sure what you mean by
> "indexes are working".

Try running 'describe records' and 'describe domains' in MySQL and show us
the output. If MySQL has no indexes, each lookup will be very slow.

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