[Pdns-users] Newbie - Changing from BIND to Power DNS

bert hubert ahu at ds9a.nl
Thu Feb 5 22:17:15 UTC 2004

On Thu, Feb 05, 2004 at 08:10:33PM +0100, Sevcik Berndt wrote:
> I have a real newbie question. We want to change our BIND Nameserver to
> Power DNS Nameservers because of the bad LDAP support in BIND.
> We are using in our reverse Bind Zonefile a line * IN PTR name.domain. Is
> this a problem with Power DNS?


> There exists a script for converting Bind Files to SQL. Has someone written
> a script to convert this SQL tables to LDIF?

Yes, it is called 'zone2ldap' and it is included in the source of PowerDNS.

Good luck!

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