[Pdns-users] Custom compiled PDNS 2.9.10, not listening?

Mike Benoit mikeb at netnation.com
Wed Sep 3 21:15:04 UTC 2003

In an attempt to stop the Signal 11 errors, I tried compiling PDNS
myself with the gmysql backend. It compiled fine, but when I went to
start it, this is what I see in the logs:

Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 [2163]: [BindBackend] This is the bind backend
version 2.9.10 (Sep  2 2003, 11:10:17) reportin
Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 [2163]: [Bind2Backend] This is the bind backend
version 2.9.10 (Sep  2 2003, 11:08:36) reporti
Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 [2163]:  [RandomBackend] This is the randombackend
version 2.9.10 (Sep  2 2003, 11:07:57) repo
Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 [2163]: This is module gmysqlbackend.so reporting
Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 pdns[2163]: Listening on controlsocket in
Sep  3 12:37:17 ns1 pdns[2166]: Guardian is launching an instance

Looks all good, except that it refuses to listen on any IP address, even
though I specify them in /etc/powerdns/pdns.conf. The RPM versions all
work fine with the same config file (except for the Sig11's of course),
did I miss something during the compile?

Also, I assume SRC and dynamically linked RPMs for the latest versions
are no longer being offered from powerdns.com? 

Best Regards,
Mike Benoit
NetNation Communications Inc.
Systems Engineer
Tel: 604-684-6892 or 888-983-6600
 Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are my own and not 
 necessarily those of my employer

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