[Pdns-users] Newbie Question about installation and configuration.

John Cordeiro jcordeiro at serverwerkz.com
Wed Aug 27 21:21:28 UTC 2003


 I am running RedHat 7.3 here is the output from pdsn monitor  on port
 I have since turned off named and after this test figured I don't need
 it running.
# /sbin/service pdns monitor
pdns: Aug 27 12:55:17 This is a standalone pdns
Aug 27 12:55:17 Opened file '/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf' for configuration
Aug 27 12:55:18 UDP server bound to
Aug 27 12:55:18 TCP server bound to
Aug 27 12:55:18 PowerDNS 2.8 (Nov  7 2002, 16:56:08) starting up
Aug 27 12:55:18 Unable to look up gid of group 'pdns': Success

Ok I looked and the choosepaths did not create the user and group for
pdns like i thought it did, Once I manually created them using useradd and groupadd
it is working fine now.

I would still like some tips on integrating with MySQL and power admin.
I even got the webserver working :) No for powermail and poweradmin.

Best regards,
 John Cordeiro                          
 mailto:jcordeiro at serverwerkz.com

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