AW: [Pdns-dev] ldapdns schema compatibility for LDAP backend [PATCH]

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at
Mon Dec 29 19:38:16 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 29 December 2003 17:12, Piotr Roszatycki wrote:
> At most I'd like to use pure COSINE schema without any additional
> schemas. Your idea with ldap-disable-ptrrecord is OK.

I still don't understand your reasons, but that's ok.

> >>dn: dc=www,dc=example,dc=net,ou=DNS,
> This feature is most interesting for me. I very thank you for
> applying it to your code.

I've implemented this in the last few days, but a little bit different 
then in your code. After refactoring the lookup code, it's now in a 
seperated function to avoid a slowdown because of too many runtime 

For AXFR the associatedDomain attribute is still needed (contrary to 
your code), because NS and MX records should be part of the same 
entry as the SOA record (they belong to the same object in the dns 
hierarchy). But there is no possiblity to return both, the base and 
the subtree entries in one query when the dn points to the base entry 

The good news: The performance increases ca. 7% if you use this kind 
of lookup method.

If you've used ldapdns before, it would be nice if you could do a 
small performance comparison between the two programs.

> I agree with you. The converter for ldapdns->pdns database should
> be enough as far as you include search-by-dn feature.

Up to now, you still have to add the associatedDomain attribute to all 
entries, but that's the easy part of programming. The other thing is 
to convert the reverse dns entries of ldapdns to something useful.

Hope I could help you.


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