[Pdns-users] PowerDNS, multi-cloud, feedback needed on options I am considering

Laura Smith n5d9xq3ti233xiyif2vp at protonmail.ch
Fri Jan 24 16:36:40 UTC 2025

On Friday, 24 January 2025 at 10:58, Alexis Fidalgo <alzrck at gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. If you loose connection between secondary and primary kafka will hold the updates (for the time you configure retention time in the topic) so when connection is restored, secondary site (consumer) will receive from where it left.
> 2. You can use the same kafka to connect multiple secondary sites
> 3. It doesn’t differs on your approach (of a middleware)
> 4. You can grow in the future holding more topics in the same kafka for other purposes without disrupting existing
> 5. You can replay topics whenever you want to test integrity

Thank you for your detailed reply Alexis.

That sounds like a very clever solution, certainly one that would have never been on my radar had you not described it. The possibility of replaying topics for integrity testing as a useful byproduct is interesting too.

Certainly sounds like well worth researching and experimenting with further.

Thanks again !

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