[Pdns-users] Adding multiple records to all zones at once

Klaus Darilion klaus.darilion at nic.at
Fri Oct 13 07:16:31 UTC 2023

> Why not do something along the lines of (PostgreSQL syntax as that's
> what I know, and completely untested):
> INSERT INTO records (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl)
>    SELECT domain.id, 'autoconfig.' || domains.name, 'CNAME, '<my autoconfig
> zone>, 3600
>        FROM domains
>        JOIN records ON domains.id = records.domain_id
>        WHERE domains.id NOT IN (
>            SELECT domains_id FROM records
>                JOIN domains ON domains.id = records.domain_id
>                WHERE name = 'autoconfig.' || domains.name );
> You may want to just run the SELECT first to see that it gives you what
> you want.

When you insert records directly into the DB, the zone may be broken (NSEC, NSEC3 ordername, empty non-terminal RRs ...).

Therefore you have to call "rectify" for every zone that was changed and PowerDNS will check and if necessary fix the zone.


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