[Pdns-users] Find best zone for given record

Thomas Mieslinger miesi at mail.com
Fri Feb 3 07:54:45 UTC 2023

Hi William,

DIM (https://github.com/1and1/dim) implements this "find most specific
zone" for forward and reverse zones. It automatically moves records when
you create a more specific zone.

Cheers Thomas

On 2/2/23 17:25, William Edwards via Pdns-users wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone aware of an existing Python/PHP library/function that finds
> the 'best' zone for a given record?
> For example, the following PTR records and DNS zones would be matched
> correctly:
> - DNS zone '80.10.in-addr.arpa.'
> - DNS zone '40.10.in-addr.arpa.'
> - PTR record ''
> - PTR record ''
> I came across
> https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/blob/3ba8b76c8e55fd14397ef73e4fa1e29a92cc9097/pdns/ueberbackend.cc#L320 (`UeberBackend::getAuth`), which does the same.
> It was used for `set-ptr` until its deprecation:
> https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/commit/65e921299bf55d5c420e2c7aae1b66c08865cd87#diff-ac1312d4611881e640a571bbe99180d88c382614a910c22ab0b527eddf38d00bL568
> However, it seems like `set-ptr` was partly deprecated (?) due to
> `UeberBackend::getAuth` not being fully accurate, according to
> https://github.com/PowerDNS/pdns/issues/4656#issuecomment-445736542
> With kind regards,
> William Edwards
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