[Pdns-users] Fwd: Pdns Authoritative 4.5.4 on centos 7

Wafa BEN KHOUD wbenkhoud at gmail.com
Wed May 18 16:06:19 UTC 2022

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Wafa BEN KHOUD <wbenkhoud at gmail.com>
Date: mer. 18 mai 2022 à 11:53
Subject: Re: [Pdns-users] Pdns Authoritative 4.5.4 on centos 7
To: Jhonny Paco <jhonny at umsa.bo>

thank you,

I followed the link and it works

mai 18 12:34:05 PDNS-MST-G3 pdns_server[20420]: Notification request for
zone 'wafatest.tn' received from operator
mai 18 12:34:07 PDNS-MST-G3 pdns_server[20420]: AXFR-out zone 'wafatest.tn',
client '', transfer initiated

May 18 06:42:31 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: Received NOTIFY for
wafatest.tn from for which we are not authoritative,
trying supermaster
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: Created new slave zone '
wafatest.tn' from supermaster
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: Domain 'wafatest.tn' is
empty, master serial 2022051501
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: XFR-in zone: 'wafatest.tn',
primary: '', initiating transfer
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: No serial for 'wafatest.tn'
found - zone is missing?
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: XFR-in zone: 'wafatest.tn',
primary: '', starting AXFR
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: AXFR-in zone 'wafatest.tn',
primary '', retrieval started
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: AXFR-in zone: 'wafatest.tn',
primary: '', retrieval finished
May 18 06:42:32 DNS-SLV1-G3 pdns_server[32677]: AXFR-in zone: 'wafatest.tn',
primary: '', zone committed with serial 2022051501

But, when I use poweradmin (web) for adding new records, The replication
fails with nothing in LOG.

So, is there some configuration to adjust for auto-serial soa increment?
I am using  "default-soa-edit=INCEPTION-INCREMENT " in master pdns

Poweradmin is still compatible with pdns 4.5.4?

Best regards,

Le mar. 17 mai 2022 à 14:22, Jhonny Paco <jhonny at umsa.bo> a écrit :

> Hello Wafa
> I used this Link
> https://www.claudiokuenzler.com/blog/844/powerdns-master-slave-dns-replication-mysql-backend
> <https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/31006309/www.claudiokuenzler.com?p=eyJzIjoieE5pUFo0ZVVUNDB4aFB4anFraU5oYjdkZ3hNIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMTAwNjMwOSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5jbGF1ZGlva3VlbnpsZXIuY29tXFxcL2Jsb2dcXFwvODQ0XFxcL3Bvd2VyZG5zLW1hc3Rlci1zbGF2ZS1kbnMtcmVwbGljYXRpb24tbXlzcWwtYmFja2VuZFwiLFwiaWRcIjpcIjUxNDYzOWMyZTk0ZTQwNDU4ODI1MWM3NWE2NzMyYjdlXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiOGE2Yzc4NGRkMmEyOWYzNDRhY2JhOGY5MTMyYmZmN2M2ODc1NzlmM1wiXX0ifQ>
> To config master/slave PowerDNS server with MySQL backend. In that
> document the keys was "supermasters" table in the backend and AXFR. Then I
> checked iptables firewall rules, that was all.
> Good Loock
> Regards
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