[Pdns-users] Powerdns with letsencrypt challenge

Peter van Dijk peter.van.dijk at powerdns.com
Wed Jun 9 10:02:58 UTC 2021


On Wed, 2021-06-09 at 02:06 +0200, Cheikh Dieng via Pdns-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to generate certificate via letsencrypt , to that i need to record  the following entry in my pdns server for letsencrypt challenge
> _acme-challenge.cloud.lfpw.dsna.fr. 300 IN TXT "gfj9Xq...Rg85nM"
> I'm using an ldapbackend with pdns in container mode.
> How I can make this kind of input in dns server ?
> 1- When i try via pdnsutil tools , i receive that error message
> podman exec pdns pdnsutil add-record   cloud.lfpw.dsna.fr  _acme-challenge   TXT '" gfj9Xq...Rg85nM  "'

add-record is not supported for the LDAP backend, sorry.

> > 2- I try to do the record via my ldapserver with an ldif file
> > This record is KO:
> > dn: dc=_acme-challenge,dc=cloud,dc=lfpw,dc=dsna,dc=fr
> > objectclass: top
> > objectclass: dnsdomain
> > objectclass: dNSDomain2
> > objectclass: domainrelatedobject
> > dc: _acme-challenge
> > TXTRecord: "bzEja8EGD3dloAObjOgE2ZCNwPO4SUOrK3kmaVmJdMA"
> > associateddomain: _acme-challenge.cloud.lfpw.dsna.fr.

Indeed, this is wrong.

> >   This record is OK:  
> > dn: dc=_acme-challenge,dc=cloud,dc=lfpw,dc=dsna,dc=fr
> > objectclass: top
> > objectclass: dnsdomain
> > objectclass: dNSDomain2
> > objectclass: domainrelatedobject
> > dc: _acme-challenge
> > TXTRecord: "bzEja8EGD3dloAObjOgE2ZCNwPO4SUOrK3kmaVmJdMA"
> > associateddomain: _acme-challenge.cloud.lfpw.dsna.fr

This is good, and should work.

> > The record for challenge must be:  _acme-challenge.cloud.lfpw.dsna.fr. (with . at the end)

No, there must be no dot at the end in the database.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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