[Pdns-users] dnssec and lua-config--file

Pierrick CHOVELON pierrick.chovelon at savoye.com
Tue May 12 14:59:27 UTC 2020


I'm testing pdns-recursor and I'd like to config it in order to :

   - resolves normally exemple.net
   - forwards the request foo.example.net to an internal authoritative

I've read the documentation, and found :
I've seen the remark regarding DNSSEC and thus use a lua-config-file in
which I added, to not use DNSSEC for this particular domain name :
addNTA("foo.example.net", "test")

However, I can't get any answer and the log is quite obvious :
"Wants DNSSEC processing in query A ..."

It seems that my lua file isn't taken.
Am I wrong ? How can I check whether the lua file is used or not .

Thx in advance

*Pierrick CHOVELON I *Ingénieur système

*Advanced Software I IT*
+33 4 77 43 27 05
pierrick.chovelon at savoye.com
*SAVOYE - 8, rue de la Richelandière - 42100 - Saint-Etienne - France*
*Savoye recrute ! <https://careers.savoye.com/#!/fr/index> - *www.savoye.com
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