[Pdns-users] dns update across dnsdist

Marc Boisis marc.boisis at univ-lr.fr
Mon Feb 10 21:42:15 UTC 2020

Here is my config:
[isc-dhcp] ----dns update---->[dnsdist--->pdns authoritative]
the isc dhcp server(v4.4.2) send a dns update query with a tsig key(hmac-md5). (I see it with tcpdump/wireshark).
When the authoritative get the request, it said : "UPDATE (9470) from for my-domain.com: TSIG key required, but packet does not contain key. Sending REFUSED"
my dnsdist config is:
newServer({address='', pool='auth'})
addAction(OpcodeRule(DNSOpcode.Update), PoolAction("auth") )
my authoritative config:
I miss something  ?
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