[Pdns-users] API does not allow AXFR TSIG keys to be set

Kevin P. Fleming kevin at km6g.us
Mon Apr 6 12:20:02 UTC 2020

Ahh.. I see now that they can be set using 'master_tsig_key_ids' and
'slave_tsig_key_ids' on the zone itself. That's mildly confusing, but
I'll find a way to abstract it.

On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 7:02 PM Kevin P. Fleming <kevin at km6g.us> wrote:
> While working on my Ansible modules, I found that the API does not
> allow the AXFR-MASTER-TSIG and TSIG-ALLOW-AXFR metadata kinds to be
> set, although they can be read.
> They can be updated on-the-fly (without a server restart) by pdnsutil,
> which updates the backend rows directly.
> I assume there is a specific reason why the API disallows edits to
> them, is that documented anywhere?

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