[Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

Jackson Yap jackson at apc.sg
Fri Dec 27 17:45:53 UTC 2019

Dear All,

It is fixed. Thanks for your help.

Warmest Regards,

Jackson Yap

*From:* Jackson Yap <jackson at apc.sg>
*Sent:* Saturday, 28 December 2019 1:01 am
*To:* 'Aki Tuomi' <cmouse at desteem.org>; 'Otto Moerbeek' <otto at drijf.net>
*Cc:* 'pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com' <pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com>
*Subject:* RE: [Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

Dear All,

The strange thing is, after I run pdns notify *, it is parsed into memory
as below.

example.com:     parsed into memory at 2019-12-28 00:56:59

However, it has not notified at all from the log I check, and the number of
master zones it notify when I do pdns notify *, is still short of one
(missing the new master zone).

Warmest Regards,

Jackson Yap

*From:* Jackson Yap <jackson at apc.sg>
*Sent:* Saturday, 28 December 2019 12:05 am
*To:* 'Aki Tuomi' <cmouse at desteem.org>; 'Otto Moerbeek' <otto at drijf.net>
*Cc:* 'pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com' <pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com>
*Subject:* RE: [Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

Hi Aki,

Yes, the source is using bind backend. However it still don’t work after we
run pdns_control rediscover:

root at pdns-source [~]# pdns_control rediscover

Ok Done parsing domains, 3 rejected, 0 new, 0 removed

root@ pdns-source [~]# pdns_control notify '*'

Added 564 MASTER zones to queue

But the after newly added zone in pdns, total is 565:

All zonecount:565

This is driving us crazy :(

Warmest Regards,

Jackson Yap

*From:* Aki Tuomi <cmouse at desteem.org>
*Sent:* Friday, 27 December 2019 6:05 pm
*To:* Jackson Yap <jackson at apc.sg>; Otto Moerbeek <otto at drijf.net>
*Cc:* pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com
*Subject:* Re: [Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

Are you using bind backend? If yes, try reloading named.conf with
pdns_control rediscover before notify.


On December 27, 2019 8:17 AM Jackson Yap < jackson at apc.sg> wrote:

Dear All,

Another important discovery. I realised after a new zone is added, pdns

notify will always missed out this new zone. Until I restart pdns and

force the notify again. Can someone advise if there is any issue or is

this a bug?

pdns_control list-zones

All zonecount:565

root at pdns-source [~]# pdns_control notify '*'

Added 564 MASTER zones to queue

root at pdns-source [~]# service pdns restart

Restarting PowerDNS authoritative nameserver: stopping and waiting..done

Starting PowerDNS authoritative nameserver: started

root at pdns-source [~]# pdns_control notify '*'

Added 565 MASTER zones to queue

Warmest Regards,

Jackson Yap

-----Original Message-----

From: Jackson Yap < jackson at apc.sg>

Sent: Friday, 27 December 2019 12:39 pm

To: 'Otto Moerbeek' < otto at drijf.net>

Cc: 'pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com' < pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com>

Subject: RE: [Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

Dear All,

We make an important discovery, but we don't know the reason why.

When we do pdns notify *, we checked through all the logs in source server

in /var/log/messages, we realised the domain example.com was not send out

at all.

If we just do pdns notify example.com, it will be sent out.

Then we count the logs:

root at pdns-source [~]# pdns_control notify '*'

Added 563 MASTER zones to queue

But we realised "example.com" was nowhere in the logs as well.

grep "example.com" /var/log/messages (returns nothing).

Any idea why?

Warmest Regards,

Jackson Yap

-----Original Message-----

From: Otto Moerbeek < otto at drijf.net>

Sent: Wednesday, 25 December 2019 6:25 pm

To: Jackson Yap < jackson at apc.sg>

Cc: pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com

Subject: Re: [Pdns-users] pdns cannot handle large pdns notify

On Wed, Dec 25, 2019 at 12:03:04AM +0800, Jackson Yap wrote:


We are using pdns version 4.1.13.

So you have the basic improvements. You might try updating one of your

slaves to 4.2.1 and see if things improve. Otherwise maybe pace the

notifies by a simple shell scrip *and* reallize missing a notify is not a

critical error since slave servers check periodically (SOA refrsh

interval) to see if they need to update.



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