[Pdns-users] Zone Transfers

Curtis Maurand curtis at maurand.com
Thu Aug 8 10:19:18 UTC 2019

On 8/8/19 3:26 AM, Mike wrote:
> On 8/5/19 5:48 AM, Curtis Maurand wrote:
>> I scripted it.  I can't rely on pdns replication.  The supermaster
>> won't tell a slave to delete a zone for instance.  Adding a new zone
>> may or may not happen properly or in a timely manner.  Sometimes
>> transfers just don't happen and even if they do, the signed zones
>> won't work until they're rectified. Don't get me started on dnsdist.
> On the subject of supermasters not being able to tell slaves to delete
> zones:
>      This may not be too critical - for a slave server to have knowledge
> of a zone for which it should no longer be authoritative for.
> Ultimately, if the internet roots don't point at your servers, nobody
> will be asking your servers for data from these zones anyways, so all
> you really are losing is some disk space. I wrote a script to do this
> which essentially walks the whole list of zones on a slave server and
> asks my (hidden) master whether it has an SOA for each one. If it
> doesn't, meaning that zone has been removed, then the script removes it
> from the slave. The necessity or required frequency of doing so, is
> debatable. My script can blast thru ~500 zones in about 8 seconds flat
> depending on latency from that slave to the hidden master.
> Mike-
Good idea.  I didn't think of doing it that way.  Conversely, a good way 
to check to see if a zone has actually transferred, too.

Thanks for the idea,
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Best Regards Curtis Maurand
mailto:curtis at maurand.com

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