[Pdns-users] Zone Transfers

Curtis Maurand curtis at maurand.com
Mon Aug 5 12:48:24 UTC 2019

I scripted it.  I can't rely on pdns replication.  The supermaster won't 
tell a slave to delete a zone for instance.  Adding a new zone may or 
may not happen properly or in a timely manner.  Sometimes transfers just 
don't happen and even if they do, the signed zones won't work until 
they're rectified. Don't get me started on dnsdist.  So to that end, I do:

# getdns.sh
mysqldump -u root -p<password> -h <my database host> --opt --databases 
powerdns >/tmp/pdns.dump.sql

mysql -u root -p<password> powerdns </tmp/pdns.dump.sql
mysql -u root -p<password> powerdns </usr/local/bin/pdns.sql
/usr/bin/pdnsutil rectify-all-zones

pdns.sql contains.

USE powerdns;
UPDATE domains SET type = 'SLAVE';
UPDATE domains SET master = '<my primary pdns host>';

On 8/5/19 7:54 AM, frank+pdns--- via Pdns-users wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> A zone transfer will only include the contents of that particular 
> zone, so I am a bit confused by your question. Could you rephrase it? 
> (Or give an example how you would configure this in a another nameserver?)
> Frank
> Frank Louwers
> PowerDNS Certified Consultant @ Kiwazo.be <http://Kiwazo.be>
>> On 5 Aug 2019, at 13:49, Stanford Mings <stanford at tech.vi 
>> <mailto:stanford at tech.vi>> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> This is a newbie question, so forgive me.
>> How do I configure PDNS to return all domains in a zone transfer ?
>> Stanford T. Mings Jr. ~Technologist  ~
>> stanford at tech.vi <mailto:stanford at tech.vi> ~ http://www.tech.vi 
>> <http://www.tech.vi/> ~ 786-269-5718
>> VI Technical Services, LLC ~ 9160 Estate Thomas ~
>> Suite 195 ~ St. Thomas, VI, 00802
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> Frank Louwers
> PowerDNS Certified Consultant @ Kiwazo.be <http://Kiwazo.be>
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Best Regards Curtis Maurand
mailto:curtis at maurand.com
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