[Pdns-users] How to switch between two different "zone" files for the same domain?

frank+pdns at tembo.be frank+pdns at tembo.be
Mon Apr 1 07:22:57 UTC 2019

Hi Lucky,

> The backend is going to determine what can be done and I am not seeing that below.  There are many option depending on how complex the changes are in that zone in the DR site.  If you have a similar IP subnet scheme in a /23 or /24 with the same 4th octet and the backend is a database, then a script could easily zap the A records in that zone.  If the number of hosts at the DR site is relatively small, then a script could create/update /etc/hosts entries on the PDNS server and then serve that via "etc-hosts-file=/etc/hosts”.

What you could do as well, is put a dnsdist instance in front of your NS. You could then have two pdns instances, one hosting the “main version” of the domains, one hosting the DR version.  Define both as a separate pool in dnsdist, sending all traffic by default to main one.

Then, when a domain needs to be moved to the DR, you could then change the dnsdist config to use the “DR” pool for that domain.


Frank Louwers
PowerDNS Consultant @ Kiwazo

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