[Pdns-users] Mismatched serial results

Mark Constable markc at renta.net
Thu May 24 10:14:21 UTC 2018

This is weird, pdns-server 4.1.1 on a Ubuntu 18.04 server. The serial
number results from a dig soa do not match what is in the MySQL database.

~ dig +short soa rmpsystems.com
ns1.renta.net. admin.rmpsystems.com. 2018054931 3600 600 1209600 3600

~ pdnsutil increase-serial rmpsystems.com
May 24 20:08:45 Reading random entropy from '/dev/urandom'
SOA serial for zone rmpsystems.com set to 2018052407

~ dig +short soa rmpsystems.com @ns1.renta.net
ns1.renta.net. admin.rmpsystems.com. 2018054932 3600 600 1209600 3600

As you can see the 2018054932 value increased but it should now be
returning from dig as 2018052407 (being the value in MySQL.)

Where on earth is this "4932" part of the serial number coming from?

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