[Pdns-users] SOA record not resolved for my domains

Brian Candler b.candler at pobox.com
Thu Apr 26 06:55:45 UTC 2018

On 26/04/2018 07:27, Hamed Haghshenas wrote:
> I replied my domain name here 
> https://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2018-April/025316.html
So the zone is web45.ir, and the nameserver is, which is 
known as both ns1.web45.ir and ns2.web45.ir. Is that correct (*)?

You didn't show what response you got to the query before, but I can 
test it now:

$ dig @ns1.web45.ir. web45.ir. soa   => gives SERVFAIL

$ dig @ns1.web45.ir. web45.ir. ns   => works

$ dig @ns1.web45.ir. mail.web45.ir. a  => works

Some platform info please: what version of pdns-authoritative are you 
using? Where did you get the package from? What OS are you running 

Have you tried turning off the geo-ip features and just serving a plain 
zone?  That would help narrow it down.  If you can demonstrate it's a 
problem specifically with geo-ip then you can show your exact config for 



(*) Since the name(s) of the nameserver(s) are within the zone being 
served, I'll make a quick check of the glue at the level above.

$ dig +trace web45.ir. soa

ir.            172800    IN    NS    a.nic.ir.
ir.            172800    IN    NS    b.nic.ir.
ir.            172800    IN    NS    ir.cctld.authdns.ripe.net.
ir.            172800    IN    NS    ns5.univie.ac.at.

$ dig @a.nic.ir. ns1.web45.ir. a

ns1.web45.ir.        1440    IN    A
ns2.web45.ir.        1440    IN    A

OK, that looks good to me.

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