[Pdns-users] dnssec for .us tld

Pieter Lexis pieter.lexis at powerdns.com
Sun May 7 08:50:29 UTC 2017

Hello Fabian,

On Sat, 06 May 2017 19:59:33 +0000
"Fabian A. Santiago" <fsantiago at garbage-juice.com> wrote:

> what dnssec algorithms are supported by the .us tld? 

I don't believe there could be restrictions on the algorithms of sld's. They might restrict digest algorithms for the DS records, although they FAQ[1] does not mention this. Contacting your registrar about this will get you further.

best regards,


1 - http://www.about.us/faqs

Pieter Lexis
PowerDNS.COM BV -- https://www.powerdns.com

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