[Pdns-users] PowerDNS 4.1.0 - Unable to enable DNSSEC for Domains

Moritz Wirth mw at flanga.io
Wed Dec 6 23:14:19 UTC 2017

Hello everybody,


I installed PowerDNS 4.10 on CentOS with a MySQL Backend with the how to in the docs.


I created a new zone using the pdnsutil command and tried to enable dnssec for it, however I receive an error message that DNSSEC is not supported. 


root at ns1]: pdnsutil secure-zone flangadev.network.

Securing zone with default key size

Adding CSK (257) with algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256

No backend was able to secure 'flangadev.network', most likely because no DNSSEC

capable backends are loaded, or because the backends have DNSSEC disabled.

For the Generic SQL backends, set the 'gsqlite3-dnssec', 'gmysql-dnssec' or

'gpgsql-dnssec' flag. Also make sure the schema has been updated for DNSSEC!


[root at ns1]: pdnsutil show-zone flangadev.network.

This is a Native zone

Zone is not actively secured

Metadata items: None

No keys for zone 'flangadev.network'.


Could somebody give me a hint? It is a standard CentOS 7 Installation with the PDNS and the pdns-backend-gmysql package, Changes to the configuration are only done for the API and the DB Connection.


Best regards,



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