[Pdns-users] AXFR of ALIAS records pointing to records of same zone

Oliver Peter lists at peter.de.com
Thu Nov 3 14:02:10 UTC 2016

Hi Andreas,

On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 09:34:54PM +0100, Andreas Pfohl wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to build a setup where PowerDNS is used as a hidden primary DNS server. The job of this PowerDNS server is, to provide zone transfers to the OpenDNSSEC service for signing the zone data.
> What I’m trying to achieve is the ability to use the new ALIAS record to merge data from records of the same zone. I have created the following records:
> dyn.example.com.     A
> service.example.com. AAAA  ::1
> service.example.com. ALIAS dyn.example.com.
> This works great so far. If I query for service.exmaple.com. I get both IP addresses back in the response.
> Now, I change the A record to in the database. The zone transfer which is caused by updating the record in the database delivers the AAAA record of ::1 and the A of, instead of ::1 and I see, that there is some sort of race condition going on here.

"Some sort of race condition" might be your local resolver still
serving the old result for dyn.example.com from it's cache; try to flush
it from there after you made your database changes:
	$ sudo unbound-control flush_zone example.com
	ok removed 5 rrsets, 3 messages and 1 key entries


Oliver PETER       oliver at gfuzz.de       0x456D688F
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