[Pdns-users] Recursor remote server when not in local master-zone

Rubén Gómez ruben at irontec.com
Wed Jun 29 15:45:11 UTC 2016


I have a single powerdns server with version 2.9.21 (with ldap backend in a Debian 5) and we use it with a fake master-zone and with the option "allow-recursion-override=on" in our office. With this, the records of the domain that aren't in the LDAP goes throw the recursor and with this we get the records from our "real public DNS" server. 

I'm creating two servers, the first one as master (sqlite3 backend) and another one as slave (sqlite backend, and configuring the first one as supermaster). The replication master -> slave goes well, I have "recursor=" option configured and all the domains that aren't my master-zone goes through and it's ok. 

But if I try to nslookup for a record that is in my "real public DNS" but not in the local powerDNS, I get the "Host www.example.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)". I have seen that allow-recursion-override is deprecated, and I don't see how to implement the "fake master-zone" to make what I need. 

Any suggestions? I have installed my new master and slave servers in Debian 8 using pdns 4.0.0~beta1-1pdns.jessie from your official repositories as in the example https://blog.powerdns.com/2016/02/02/powerdns-authoritative-the-new-old-way-to-manage-domains/ 

Any recommendations will be welcomed (I didn't see anything for pdns 4 or in the documentation :-/ 

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