[Pdns-users] [dnsdist] Marking downstream Unexplained

Alejandro Adroher Mellado alejandro.adroher at omniaccess.com
Tue Feb 16 12:02:59 UTC 2016

Hi all, 

Currently I have 3 dnsdist server (one as abuse pool) and I'm planning to introduce 3 more instances.

Sometimes, maybe randomly I got the connection between servers down and up again always I one second. I have the servers monitored  with opennms and I have no news about any issue on servers or networks. But I still getting sometimes the next system event. 

System Events
Feb 16 11:31:42 pdns-rec-02 dnsdist[4343]: Marking downstream dnsdist-Rec-3 (xxx.xxx.xxx.36:53) as 'down'
Feb 16 11:31:42 pdns-rec-02 dnsdist[4343]: Marking downstream dnsdist-Rec-3 (xxx.xxx.xxx.36:53) as 'down'
Feb 16 11:31:43 pdns-rec-02 dnsdist[4343]: Marking downstream dnsdist-Rec-3 (xxx.xxx.xxx.36:53) as 'up'
Feb 16 11:31:43 pdns-rec-02 dnsdist[4343]: Marking downstream dnsdist-Rec-3 (xxx.xxx.xxx.36:53) as 'up'

It seems that my infrastructure are working fine.
Can I enable verbose for loggin?? 

Thanks a lot


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