[Pdns-users] Multiple A records cause AXFR failure

leen at consolejunkie.net leen at consolejunkie.net
Sun Nov 22 12:35:16 UTC 2015

On 2015-11-22 12:19, a b wrote:
> Good idea!
> pdnssec check-zone dmz
> Error: Received NULL where a value was expected
> SQL> delete from records where (id = 16 or id = 66);
> 2 rows deleted.
> SQL>  update zones set serial = 2015112209 where name = 'dmz';
> 1 row updated.
> SQL> commit;
> Commit complete.
> # pdnssec check-zone dmz
> Checked 18 records of 'dmz', 0 errors, 0 warnings.
> ...So my A record INSERT's are wrong?

Ahh, so it's Oracle, yeah I should have known from the SQL> prompt.

I didn't know the Oracle backend uses other table names, an euh.. 
interesting choice.

Never really looked at the Oracle backend code, so I had a quick look.

Maybe you don't have any TTLs (you didn't have them in the insert 
query) ?

It seems that would trigger an error:

Maybe add a check like the example ?:

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