[Pdns-users] understanding soa-edit / also-notify

Claudia Eriksen claudiaeriksen at outlook.com
Thu Nov 5 18:37:15 UTC 2015

Hi all,
I am migrating from bind master to powerdns and I am having difficulties understanding how the soa-edit works. 
The type of the soa-edit in domainmetadata is INCEPTION-INCREMENT and the soa record for the zone is : 
;; ANSWER SECTION:claudiasdomain.com.     3600    IN      SOA     nic1.claudiasdomain.com. hostmaster.claudiasdomain.com. 2015063000 3600 900 1209600 86400
So after I set up the db on powerdns, and I created one new record in the zone above the SOA record on the slave is updated to:
 ;; ANSWER SECTION:claudiasdomain.com.     3600    IN      SOA     nic1.claudiasdomain.com. hostmaster.claudiasdomain.com. 2015110501 3600 900 1209600 86400
and querying the slave locally for the new record works fine. If I add a second record to the zone on master, querying the slave locally still works fine, but the SOA is no longer updated. 
Also on the master, the db is not touched, since the serial nb on the SOA record and the notified_serial field in the domains table remains the same as it was when I first set up the server: 
pdns=# select id,name,type,notified_serial from domains where id='17'; id |        name        |  type  | notified_serial ----+--------------------+--------+----------------- 17 | claudiasdomain.com | MASTER |      2015063000(1 row)
pdns=# select domain_id,name,type,content from records where domain_id='17' and type='SOA'; domain_id |        name        | type |                                         content                                         -----------+--------------------+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        17 | claudiasdomain.com | SOA  | nic1.claudiasdomain.com hostmaster.claudiasdomain.com 2015063000 3600 900 1209600 86400(1 row)
I would really like to understand how this works, and so far I haven't been able to find the proper docs to read about this. Could someone, please, point me to the right direction? 
Thanks a lot!
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