[Pdns-users] DNSSEC trouble

Peter Thomassen peter at desec.io
Wed May 20 11:34:59 UTC 2015

Hi Leen,

On 05/20/2015 12:32 PM, Leen Besselink wrote:
>> # these failed:
>> dig @ns1.desec.io +dnssec +norec desec.io DNSKEY
>> dig @ns1.desec.io +dnssec +norec desec.io A
>> Here is a working example with an RRSIG for the DNSKEY query:
> As we can see, no RRSIG-record on your domain, my guess would be the transfered domain isn't properly signed before it's transfered:
> $ dig +dnssec +norec @ns1.desec.io desec.io DNSKEY
> I would try the same query on the hidden master first.

I did try that, and when I query the hidden master, in fact I do get the
RRSIG records for free. Why is that not the case for the slaves?

I made the hidden master available at desec.io temporarily -- so, compare

dig +dnssec +norec @desec.io desec.io A
dig +dnssec +norec @ns1.desec.io desec.io A

This really confuses me.


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