[Pdns-users] DS record: Algorithm and data inconsistent?

Peter Thomassen peter at desec.io
Tue May 19 12:39:29 UTC 2015


I am trying to publish DS records for desec.io with the .io registry.
Upon entering the DS records in their web interface, I get the
following error:

> The Algorithm and data do not match in your DS record

I am surprised, because the records are from pdnssec show-zone:

# pdnssec show-zone desec.io
Zone is not presigned
Zone has hashed NSEC3 semantics, configuration: 1 0 10 fa73040f3a2a2b29
ID = 28 (KSK), tag = 6454, algo = 8, bits = 2048	Active: 1 ( RSASHA256 )
KSK DNSKEY = desec.io IN DNSKEY 257 3 8
; ( RSASHA256 )
DS = desec.io IN DS 6454 8 1 24396e17e36d031f71c354b06a979a67a01f503e ;
( SHA1 digest )
DS = desec.io IN DS 6454 8 2
5cba665a006f6487625c6218522f09bd3673c25fa10f25cb18459aa10df1f520 ; (
SHA256 digest )
DS = desec.io IN DS 6454 8 3
d0fdc4ab1e4f65740bc42432e7e991faac873f546e023057533fb16ce7a8dc45 ; (
GOST R 34.11-94 digest )
DS = desec.io IN DS 6454 8 4
; ( SHA-384 digest )

ID = 29 (ZSK), tag = 32110, algo = 8, bits = 1024	Active: 1 ( RSASHA256 )

I really would appreciate if you could help me fix this problem.

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