[Pdns-users] API issue

Melvin Mughal melvin at mughal.nu
Thu Mar 5 11:22:42 UTC 2015

Running PowerDNS Authoritative Server 3.4.2.

2015-03-05 12:20 GMT+01:00 Keresztes Péter-Zoltán <zozo at z0z0.tk>:

> What is the version of pdns you are running?
> On Mar 5, 2015, at 1:11 PM, Melvin Mughal <melvin at mughal.nu> wrote:
> *sudo /etc/init.d/pdns monitor*
> *Mar 05 06:04:28 Reading random entropy from '/dev/urandom'*
> *Mar 05 06:04:28 This is module gmysqlbackend.so reporting*
> *Mar 05 06:04:28 This is a standalone pdns*
> *Mar 05 06:04:28 Fatal error: Trying to set unexisting parameter
> 'webserver-allow-from'*
> I've tried every example like:
> webserver-allow-from=,
> webserver-allow-from=, ::/0 (default according to documentation)
> Get the same fatal error on every try.
> 2015-03-05 11:49 GMT+01:00 Keresztes Péter-Zoltán <zozo at z0z0.tk>:
>> Try restarting the powerdns or maybe start it in debug mode so that you
>> can see why is not listening.
>> On Mar 5, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Melvin Mughal <melvin at mughal.nu> wrote:
>> Sorry about being unspecific. This is the uncut version:
>> curl -v 'X-API-Key: otto'
>> * Rebuilt URL to: X-API-Key: otto/
>> * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
>> * Could not resolve host: X-API-Key
>> * Closing connection 0
>> curl: (6) Could not resolve host: X-API-Key
>> * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
>> *   Trying
>> * connect to port 8081 failed: Connection refused
>> * Failed to connect to port 8081: Connection refused
>> * Closing connection 1
>> curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8081: Connection
>> refused
>> The main problem is that nothing is listening on 8081, but it's in the
>> config. The firewall (Iptables) is not blocking anything at te moment. So
>> it refuses because nothing is on the port. To be specific: I check the port
>> with the command 'lsof -i -P | grep -i 8081'.
>> 2015-03-05 11:20 GMT+01:00 Christian Hofstaedtler <
>> christian.hofstaedtler at deduktiva.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> > On 05 Mar 2015, at 10:57, Melvin Mughal <melvin at mughal.nu> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > The curl commands I run form my own system to the server:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > curl -s -H 'X-API-Key: otto'
>>> http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:8081/servers/localhost
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > curl -s -H 'X-API-Key: otto'
>>> http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:8081/servers/localhost/zones
>>> >
>>> > And it just returns nothing. So the crud in the API key wasn't an
>>> issue I guess. No errors and also no result. But there is a zone file in
>>> there, so it should be returning something. I restarted pdns a million
>>> times and still no 8081 port listening with this config.
>>> You need to stop being unspecific, and you need to stop using “-s” for
>>> curl — “nothing” is not a helpful description of an outcome.
>>> Start curl with -v and report back both the exact, unmodified curl
>>> command line and the complete output curl produced. You do not need to mask
>>> your IP addresses, nobody’s going to bother, esp. if those are in an
>>> RFC1918 range anyway.
>>> > 2015-03-05 7:34 GMT+01:00 Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens.dns at gmail.com>:
>>> > Also show us the *exact* curl command you're using from the
>>> > command-line, and the API key (if you're using line 623) better be
>>> > protected from the shell. :)
>>> --
>>> Christian Hofstaedtler / Deduktiva GmbH (FN 418592 b, HG Wien)
>>> www.deduktiva.com / +43 1 353 1707
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