[Pdns-users] Error Running pdnssec from PHP

Nick Williams nicholas at nicholaswilliams.net
Fri Feb 27 18:25:35 UTC 2015

Nevermind, my bad. It's not enough for the user to have read permissions on the /etc/pdns directory and /etc/pdns/pdns.conf file. The user also must have execute permissions on the /etc/pdns directory. When I added that, it worked.



On Feb 27, 2015, at 12:19 PM, Nick Williams wrote:

> I have a (secured) PHP browser GUI (that I can only access while connected to the VPN) that I use to manage my domains. I'm enabling DNSSEC, so I decided to update my PHP GUI to run the necessary pdnssec commands (secure-zone, set-nsec3, rectify-zone) when applicable. However, when I use PHP's exec() to call pdnssec, I get the following error:
> Error: No database backends configured for launch, unable to function
> I can run pdnssec from the command line just fine, so I know that's not the problem. I thought maybe the apache user didn't have permission to access pdns.conf, and I was right, but after adding read permissions it still can't access it.
> The file is in the default place pdnssec would look for it (/etc/pdns).
> Any ideas on what I need to do?
> Thanks,
> Nick

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