[Pdns-users] How to add master zone through PowerDNS API?

Christian Hofstaedtler christian.hofstaedtler at deduktiva.com
Thu Feb 26 20:06:11 UTC 2015

> On 26 Feb 2015, at 21:06, Melvin Mughal <melvin at mughal.nu> wrote:
> I've seen the API example (http://doc.powerdns.com/md/httpapi/README/), but it doesn't show how to create a new zone with an existing zone template. How can I include the zone template in that API call?

There are no templates, but you can include records with the create call.


curl -X POST --data '{
  "name": "example.com",
  "kind": "Native",
  "masters": [],
  "nameservers": ["ns1.example.org", "ns2.example.org"],
  "records": [
      "name": "www.example.com",
      "type": "A",
      "ttl": 3600,
      "content": “",
      "disabled": false
}' -v -H 'X-API-Key: changeme'


Christian Hofstaedtler / Deduktiva GmbH (FN 418592 b, HG Wien)
www.deduktiva.com / +43 1 353 1707

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